Cookies policy

Last updated: 7th May, 2021

The Cypriot company Tomansa Ltd. based at Pindou 4, Nicosia, Cyprus (“Tomansa”), offers, through the Greek branch of Kinems, its Platform (“Platform”) at the address that uses cookies on it. Please read the following policy to understand what are the cookies that we use and how we process the information we collect through them. Note that Tomansa reserves the right to amend and update this policy from time to time, so please check this page periodically.

1. What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file or record that is stored on a user's computer when you visit the Platform, which collects information about your activities on the Platform. The cookies transmit this information back to the computers at Tomansa; these computers are, generally speaking, the only computers which are authorized to read such information. The information captured makes it possible for us to: (i) speed navigation, and provide you with custom tailored content; (ii) remember information you give to us, so you don’t have to reenter it each time you visit the Platform; and (iii) monitor total number of visitors to the Platform and pages viewed.

2. What cookies do we use, how do we use them and for how long do we retain the data we collect through them?

There are different kinds of cookies, which serve different purposes. The cookies we use can be categorized as follows:

Cookie used/type and categoryProviderName, purpose and durationLegal basis
Necessary cookies

Necessary cookies help make the Platform usable by enabling basic functions like page navigation and access to secure areas of the Platform. The Platform cannot function properly without these cookies.
eu.kinems.comName: _overseer_session

Purpose: Used to identify the signed in account (if available) for each page request.

Duration: Session cookie, deleted after you quit your browser.
The legal basis for the processing of your data through necessary cookies is our legitimate interest which includes the proper operation of the Platform.
eu.kinems.comName: remember_account_token

Purpose: The user checked that the login data should be remembered for the next session.

Duration: Persistent cookie, expires after 2 weeks.

3. To whom we may disclose your personal data?

We do not share your personal data that we may collect through cookies with any third party. Access to your personal data may be given to trusted external Platform providers engaged by us, such as companies providing IT Platforms and website hosting or analyzing the performance of the Platform and the behavior of users, only to the extent necessary for the provision of their Platforms to us. These Platform providers act as data processors in relation to your personal data and are bound to process your personal data exclusively on behalf and under our instructions and to implement strict security measures for protecting your personal data.

4. Your rights and how to control cookies

You have the right to access, rectify and erase your personal data and the rights to object and to restrict to the processing of your personal data which are kept by us through the use of cookies. In some instances, you also have the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format and to transmit them to a third party. You can, also, at any time revoke the consent that you have provided us for the processing of your personal data through the use of cookies on our Platform by visiting the Cookie Settings section on our Platform and deleting them from your device.

You can control and/or delete cookies which are already saved in your device by visiting the Settings section of your browser. For more information on the deactivation of cookies please visit

Additionally, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory data protection authority of their habitual residence or place of work, if you consider that we violate the applicable data protection laws when processing your personal data.

5. Contact details

If you wish to exercise any of your rights above or you have any questions or concerns in relation to this policy, please send us an email at